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e street. for some reaso of the cat

seemed to amuse him. he chud muttered, ”i should have known.”

he found what he was looking for in his i. it seemed

to be a silver cigarette lighter. he flicked it ope up

in the air, ahe lamp went out with

a little pop. he clicked it agai lamp flito

darkimes he clicked the put-outer, until the only

lights left oreet were two tiny pinpri the

distance, which were the eyes of the cat watg him. if anyone

looked out of their , even beady-eyed mrs. dursley,

they wouldo see anything that ening down on

the pavement. dumbledore slipped the put-outer baside his

d set off dowoward number four, where he sat

down on the wall he cat. he didnt look at it, but after

a momeo it.

”fang you here, prall.”

he turo smile at the tabby, but it had goead he

was smiling at a rather severe-looking earing square

glasses exactly the shape s the cat had had around

its eyes. she, too, was wearing a erald one. her black

hair was drawn into a tight bun. she looked distinctly ruffled.

”how did you know it was me?” she asked.

”my dear professor, i ve sit so stiffly.”

”youd be stiff if youd been sitting on a brick wall all day,”

said prall.

”all day? when you could have beeing? i must have

passed a dozes and parties on my way here.”

prall sniffed angrily.

”oh yes, everyones g, all right,” she said

impatiently. ”youd think theyd be a bit more careful, but

he muggles have hings going on. it

was on their news.” she jerked her head back at the dursleys

dark living-room window. ”i heard it. flocks of owls... shooting

stars.... well, theyre upid. they were bound to

hing. shooting stars dow -- ill bet that was

dedalus diggle. he never had muse.”

”you t blame them,” said dumbledently. ”weve had

precious little to celebrate for eleven years.”

”i know that,” said prall irritably. ”but thats

o lose our heads. pe dht careless,

out os in broad daylight, not even dressed in muggle

clothes, sing rumors.”

she thre, sideways gla dumbledore here, as though

hoping he was going to tell her something, but he didnt, so she

went o would be if, on the very day youknow-who

seems to have disappeared at last, the muggles found out about us

all. i suppose he really has gone, dumbledore?”

”it ly seems so,” said dumbledore. ”we have much to be

thankful for. would you on drop?”

”a what?”

”a lemon drop. theyre a kind of muggle sweet im rather fond of”

”no, thank you,” said prall coldly, as though

she didnt think this was the moment for lemon drops. ”as i say,

even if you-know-who has gone -”

”my dear professor, surely a sensible person like yourself

call him by his his you- know-who nonsense -- for eleven

years i have been trying to persuade people to call him by his proper

name: voldemort.” prall fli dumbledore,

who was unstion drops, seemed not to all

gets so g if we keep saying you-know-who. i have never

seehtened of sayis name.

”i know you haven t, said prall, sounding

half exasperated, half admiring. ”but youre different. everyone

knows youre the only one you-know- ht, voldemort,

was frightened of.”

”you flatter me,” said dumbledore calmly. ”voldemort had powers

i will never have.”

”only because youre too -- well -- hem.”

”its lucky its dark. i havent blushed so muce madam

pomfrey told me she liked my new earmuffs."

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