首页 >女生耽美 >哈利波特与魔法石 > 章节_36


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easide his jad pulled out a fat gray rat,


”his names sd hes useless, he hardly ever wakes

up. per owl from my dad f made a prefect, but they

t aff -- i mean, i got sstead.”

ro pihink hed said too much,

because he went back t out of the window.

harry didnt thihing wrong with not being

able to afford an owl. after all, hed never had any money in his

life until a month ago, aold ron so, all about having to wear

dudleys old d ihday presents. this

seemed to up.

”... and until hagrid told me, i didnt know anything about be

ing a wizard or about my parents or voldemort”

ron gasped.

”what?” said harry.

”you said you-know-whos name!” said ron, sounding both shocked

and impressed. ”id have thought you, of all people --”

”im n to be brave , saying the name,”

said harry, i just never knew you shouldnt. see what i mean? ive

got loads to lear,” he added, voig for the first time

something that had been w him a lot lately, ”i bet im the

worst in the class.”

”you woheres loads of people whle

families and they learn quiough.”

while they had been talkirain had carried them out

of london. now they were speeding past fields full of d

sheep. they were quiet for a time, watg the fields and lanes

flick past.

around half past twelve there was a great g outside

in the corridor and a smiling, dimpled woman slid back their door

and said, ”anythi, dears?”

harry, who hadnt had a, leapt to his feet,

but ro pink agaiered that hed brought

sandwiches. harry went out into the corridor.

he had never had any money for dy with the dursleys, and

now that he had p with gold and silver he was ready

to buy as many mars bars as he could carry -- but the woman didnt

have mars bars. what she did have were bettie botts every flavor

beans, droobles best blowing gum, chs. pumpkin pasties,

cakes, lids, aher strahings

harry had never seen i wanting to miss anything,

he got some and paid the woman eleven silver sickles

and seves.

ron stared as harry brought it all bapartment

ao a.

”hungry, are you?”

”starving,” said harry, taki of a pumpkin


ro a lumpy pad uhere

were four sandwiside. he pulled o and said,

”she always fets i dont like ed beef.”

”s you for ohese,” said harry, holding up a pasty. ”go

on --”

”you dont want this, its all dry,” said ron. ”she hasnt got

much time,” he added quickly, ”you know, with five of us.”

”go oy,” said harry, who had never had anything

to share before or, indeed, ao share it with. it was a

tih roheir way through all

harrys pasties, d dies (the sandwiches lay fotten).

”what are these?” harry asked ron, holding up a pack of chocolate

frogs. ”theyre not really frogs, are they?” he was starting to

feel that nothing would surprise him.

”no,” said rohe card is. im missing agrippa.”


”oh, of course, you wouldnt know -- chs have cards,

ihem, you know, to collect -- famous witd wizards. ive

got about five hu i havent got agrippa or ptolemy.”

harry uned his ch ahe card. it

showed a mans face. he wore half- moon glasses, had a long, crooked

nose, and flowing silver hair, beard, and mustaderhe

picture was the name albus dumbledore.

”so this is dumbledore!” said harry.

”dont tell me y

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