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them. ”i bet theres a book somewhere ielling you how to

get past a giant three-headed dog. so what do we do, harry?”

the light of adventure was kindling again in ro

hermione answered before harry could.

”go to dumbledore. thats what we should have done ages ago. if

we try anything ourselves well be thrown out for sure.”

”but weve got no proof!” said harry. ”quirrells too scared to

back us up. snapes only got to say he doesnt know how the troll

got in at halloween and that he was hird floor --

who do you think theyll believe, him or us? its ly a

secret we hate him, dumbledorell thio get him

sacked. filt help us if his life depe, hes

too friendly e, audehrown out,

the better, hell think. and dont fet, were not supposed to

know about the stone or fluffy. thatll take a lot of explaining.”

hermione looked ced, but ron didnt.

”if we just do a bit of poking around --”

”no,” said harry flatly, ”weve done enough poking around.”

he pulled a map of jupiter toward him ao learn the

s moons.

the foll, notes were delivered to harry, hermione,

ahe breakfast table. they were all the same:

your detention lace at eleven oeet

mr. fil the entrance hall.

prall harry had fotteill had

detentions to do in the furor over the points theyd lost. he half

expected hermioo plain that this was a whole night of studying

lost, but she didnt say a word. like harry, she felt they deserved

what theyd got.

at eleven ocloight, they said good-bye to ron in the

ao the eh neville. filch

was already there -- and so was malfoy. harry had alsotten

that malfoy had gotteoo.

”follow me,” said filch, lighting a lamp ahem


i bet youll thi breaking a schain,

wont you, eh?” he said, leering at them. ”oh yes... hard work and

paieachers if you ask me.... its just a pity they

let the old pus die out... hang you by your wrists from the

g for a few days, ive got the s still in my office, keep

em well oiled iheyre ever needed.... right, off we go, and

dont think off, now, itll be worse for you if you do.”

they marched off across the dark grounds.

sniffing. harry woheir pu was goi

must be something really horrible, or filt be sounding

so delighted.

the mht, but clouds sg across it kept throwing

them into darkness. ahead, harry could see the lighted windows of

hagrids hut. then they heard a distant shout.

”is that you, filch? hurry up, i waed.”

harrys heart rose; if they were going t with hagrid

it wouldnt be so bad. his relief must have showed in his -face,

because filch said, ”i suppose you think youll be enjoying yourself

with that oaf? well, think again, boy -- its i youre

going and im much mistaken if youll all e out in one piece.”

at this, a little moan, and malfoy stopped dead

in his tracks.

”the forest?” he repeated, and he didnt sound quite as cool

as usual. ”we t ght -- theres all sorts of

things in there -- werewolves, i heard.”

ched the sleeve of harrys robe and made a g


”thats your problem, isnt it?” said filch, his v

with glee. ”shouldve thought of them werewolves befot in

trouble, shouldnt you?”

hagrid came striding toward them out at his

heel. he was g his large crossbow, and a quiver of arrows

hung over his shoulder.

”abou time,” he said. ”i bin waitin fer half an hour

already. all right, harry, hermione?”

”i shouldoo friendly to them,

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