Chapter 11 HARVEST
pa and uncle raded o polly and all to spend t to ook laura and mary and carrie to spend t polly.
ma and aunt polly ogetill dinner time. aunt pollys yard o play, because tumps ump to stump i ever touche ground.
even laura, , could do t trees ogetump to stump all over tumps a time, and op rail of t being afraid.
pa and uncle in tting ts eel blade fastened to a frames t caugalks of grain o tanding oats. enougo make a pile, t stalks off ts, into neat he ground.
it o tting it, t into the piles.
after all t, t go over time toop over eacaking up a alks in eac togeto make a longer strand. they
tigie tuck in its ends.
after t be so make a sood five bundles uprigoget- t talks to make a little roof and ser the five bundles from dew and rain.
every stalk of t grain must al .
pa and uncle and still t ted rain. ts cut and in t. ter. at noon pa and uncle o t c afteoon.
laura looked at pa, o ma t uncle polly spoiled ceam. but c all.
noo t deal of time. o ter, and cer-jug one whe blades needed sharpening.
all t c to go to ted to stay in t, of course, say so.
pa and uncle rest at all. te in a rigo hem.
no, and sed to play a quiet, ladylike play. so in teoon tumps oves, and leaves he children.
on t nigell ma w he field.
instead of rouble in t sstone, so to for it er-jug till uncle ed at imes, and then he was sullen.
after t alking and asking questions. too o pay any attention to old o go a bothem.
but to s.
to c t;i fooled you t time!”
pa said if anned t boys t uncle do it.
so took a drink of er and back to work.
times co as t t it ill, uncle tan his hide.
time imes t t on heir work.
c on screaming, louder and s say anyt uncle ;let ; so t on him scream.
on jumping up and doop. at last uncle henry said:
“maybe somet; t across to him.
and all t time cs nest!
ts lived in a nest in tepped on it by mistake. ttle bees in t yellos came s stings, and t c get away.
inging inging s legs and stinging and crainging. tung.
pa and uncle ook s nest. ts and tings inging of o the house.
laura and mary and tly in to t tears could of his eyes.
, and ood out stiff and stle, e dents all over face and neck.
laura and mary and tood and looked at him.
ma and aunt polly came running out of t ter. c s. so t a big pan of eart polly took co the house and undressed him.
tered . t and put o bed. and polly covered ied t polly steeped some o give ood around for some time, looking at him.
it nigs do any harm.
pa could not stay to supper; o get ing, at milked on time t give so mucc into the wagon.
pa ired and drive very t beside on tell about w charley had done.
laura and mary anyone could be as naug o s. minded o work.
told about ts nest, and ;it served ttle liar right.”
after srundle bed t nigened to treaming from t about w pa had said.
s about s o c it served c, too. it served because rously naug to sting heir home.
but s understand and said a word.